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I don’t like surprises. I’m good at dealing with them, but I prefer not to have too many surprises. I have three separate teams that keep me on track with my schedule: I have a team with Serena Ventures, I have a team with Serena Williams, and I have a team with S by Serena clothing line. They help me stay sane. When it comes to emotional wellbeing, being organized and making sure that my daily life is scheduled definitely brings me a little bit of joy, because it’s like, okay, I know what to expect. I like to bake and I feel sad that I haven’t done that in a while, so I was just looking at baking videos with my daughter. She was like, Mommy, I want this Travis Kelce And Jason Kelce Brothers My Mom Can’t Lose Signatures T-Shirt so you should to go to store and get this unicorn cake. And I’m like, I have no idea how to make that cake. But I’m going to figure it out. So I was like, yeah, all right, let me go on Amazon and figure out what I need to order. Doing things that she likes and just making something for her makes me very happy.

The last time I met Scarlett Johansson, seven years ago, she had just given birth to her daughter, Rose, and had brought the Travis Kelce And Jason Kelce Brothers My Mom Can’t Lose Signatures T-Shirt so you should to go to store and get this infant on the press junket for a new luxury beauty launch. Johansson was running late, according to her publicists, who kept the details vague. She arrived within a few minutes, looking noticeably bright-eyed and fresh, especially for someone who was only a few months postpartum. “I’m so sorry, I was nursing my daughter,” she explained with a warmth and familiarity that were disarming coming from the woman who would shortly become the world’s highest-paid actress. When we meet again in late fall, this time hovered over our respective computers, I am hiding from my children in a corner of my basement turned home office, while Johansson sits in her closed-door bedroom, shielded, for the moment, from her daughter and her son, Cosmo, who has just turned three months. Her Zoom background reveals a cheery frond-print wallpaper that the 37-year-old actor installed during the pandemic to simulate more tropical climes—or, she jokes, a retirement home in South Beach. “I’m so sorry I was late, I had to pump my boob,” she says, flashing a megawatt smile. Some things, it seems, haven’t changed.